This page contains all talk and workshop materials from PONS 2021.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Anna-Chiara Schaub: The Gut-Brain Axis and Depression
Paolo Antonelli: Love Addiction
Konstantinos Priftis: Assessing Spatial Neglect
Slides: "The Assessment of Spatial Neglect"
Beschin & Robertson (1997): Comb and Razor
Cocchini, Beschin & Jehkonen (2015): Fluff Test
McIntosh et al. (2000): Comb and Razor
Cocchini & Beschin (2020): Fluff Test improved
Mancuso et al. (2015): "Italian standardization of the Apples Cancellation Test"
Zorzi, Priftis & Umiltà (2002): "Neglect disrupts the mental number line"
Zoccolottti et al. (1992) in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Priftis, Di Salvo & Zara (2019): The importance of time limits
Glocker, Bittle & Kerkhoff (2006): Vest Test
Buxbaum, Klimchuk, & Mitura (2012): VRLAT Manual
Jeff Kiesner: The Emotional Stroop Task
Slides: "The Emotional Stroop Task: from Hypothesis to Task Development"
Lykins, Janssen & Graham (2006): "The Relationship between Negative Mood and Sexuality in Heterosexual College Women and Men"
Graham et al. (2004): "Turning On and Turning Off: A Focus Group Study of the Factors That AffectWomen’s Sexual Arousal"
Bancroft et al. (2003): "The Relation between Mood and Sexuality in Heterosexual Men"
Lia Talozzi: Reconstructing Damaged Brain Tracts
... no additional documents available for this workshop
Francesca Ottobelli and Michela Terranova: Cognition in Everyday Practice
Slides : "Cognition in Everyday Practice: Exercises to Better Know Your Brain and Body"